Thursday, February 22, 2007

Random Thoughts

During the great depression the American axiom was “ Everyone loses a couple so either you keep fighting or pack your bags and go home”. They build roads, bridges based on projections of economic prosperity. And thus we saw the start of the demand based economy.
Later in 1980 Professor Michael Porter in his analysis of dynamics of industrial organization mentioned that “ get into something with high entry barriers and low exit barriers”. I am still comprehending the links between the two. While the entry barriers were actually high in building roads and bridges but was the exit barriers that low.

Lets talk about exit barriers. All of us when we walk into pubs, light a fag, Listen to Pink Floyd, or analyzing the Vivaldi’s thought process through Itzhak Perlman’s skills think that the exit barriers are low. But in reality it’s not that low. Pretty high in fact. I never realized the exit barrier of Calcutta were so high, unless I took the flight to Hawaii. Reality hardly has anything to do with smoke filled coffee house rumors.
Keeping fighting has now become moving on… from projects to projects…relations to relations…. Jobs to jobs. Now I ask what the exit barrier is for the profitable Microsoft Corp. Is it low? Well Bill can liquidate all assets and sell off, Blamer can quit. But will they? What’s the exit barrier then?

Its commitment and emotion. Did Mike Porter talk about this? He may have missed it in that case will Bill Gates be the Monk who sold his Ferrari. The relation Bill has with Microsoft is similar to a Samurai craftsman has with his work and what Michael Angelo had with his sculptures.

So the Sitcoms, the movies that portray “ move on” “ get a life” has no resemblance with live, or movement. It’s got nothing to do with making any foundation stronger. Its got everything to do with Increased sell of pop corns, French fries, badly brewed coffee, and even the long queues which hurt our feet and we think “ Maybe I need a new pair of shoes”.

Have a great life!!!



a big yawn said...

Keep Walking .. thats my reply.. their are tangiable costs and barrier and non-tangiable.. costs barrier, and benifits...
the beauty id is walkin the path...
a Not so Random destiny awaits us

avimanyu said...

Thanks Zico...Sometimes we must run though....and who knows we mite fly/